Victoria Rectenwald
Victoria will forever be remembered as a loving daughter and big sister, crazy Aunt and a true friend to anyone in need. She was a free spirit with a strong will and zest for life that made her a world traveler. She desired the experience of new places, people, and their culture. She fought against social injustice, and was a voice for equality, common decency, and respect for all human life. She strongly believed that together we could make the world a better place for all humanity. Her journey through life was often spent helping those in need. She loved the sea and made the ocean her life's work. Music was her solace, nature her comfort zone, animals her children. She longed for a simple life, a world that could live in peace, and harmony, a companionate human existence. Her ideals came from the heart and were not fleeting. She always fought the good fight, and never wavered on her moral and ethical stance. She was a rock, a light in the night, one you could count on. She was taken before her time and leaves behind her mother, sister, brothers, nieces, nephews, and cousins as well as countless friends made along her journey through life. Her warm smile and kindness will truly be missed.