For healthcare professionals & caregivers: Body donation to science resources

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healthcare professionals

Ebooks & articles

We have created educational materials to help support your discussions with patients and their loved ones. You can request educational materials be mailed to you, or you can access digital downloadable copies below.

FAQ for Healthcare Professionals

Get answers to questions like: What are your exclusions for donation? Can you use the funeral home we work with to transport?
See FAQs

End of life discussions

Discussing death

From (August 2019): A palliative care specialist on the importance of talking about priorities.

Talking about death: How to do it well

From the American Medical Association (May 2019): Because of advancements in medicine, it is increasingly difficult to discern when death is approaching, so having this conversation is very important.

3 tips for talking to terminal patients about end-of-life care

From Becker’s Hospital Review (April 2019): Oncologists should have open conversations with terminal cancer patients about their prognosis and end-of-life care.

End-of-life options

From Science Care: Comparing burial, cremation, organ donation, and body donation.

Local and national programs for caregivers

National Alliance for Caregiving

A nonprofit alliance of national organizations focusing on issues of family caregiving.

National Family Caregiver Association

Educates, supports, and empowers more than 65 million people who care for others living with a chronic illness, disability, or frailties of old age.

ARCH Respite Network

Find programs and services that allow caregivers to get a break from caring for a loved one.

Eldercare locator

A public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging, connecting you to services for older adults and their families.

Find local in-home care agencies.

State-by-State Help for Family Caregivers

From the Family Caregiver Alliance, this resource helps you locate government, nonprofit, and private programs in your area.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Resources

Alzheimer’s Association

Information and support for people with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers. Operates a 24/7 helpline and care navigator tools.

The government’s free information resource about Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

National Institute on Aging: Alzheimer's Disease & Related Dementias

Learn more about the disease, and get news, tips, and resources for caregivers and health care professionals.

Get more information for:

Healthcare workers

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