Educate a patient

Healthcare Professionals: How to Educate a Patient

As someone who works in health care, you can educate your patients and their families on end-of-life options, including donation to science.

Enroll Your Patient with Science Care Today:

tree icon representing HOPE program
[Takes less than 10 minutes]

HOPE® Program

If your patient is terminally-ill, or in hospice or palliative care. Call us at (800) 417-3747 ext. 2 or:

bird icon representing joining the registry
[Takes less than 10 minutes]

Science Care Registry

Call us at (800) 417-3747 ext. 3 or:

Who We Work With and the Impact of Our Program

Science Care was the first donate-your-body-to-science program accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks. As the industry leader, we continue to establish standards that protect our donors, their loved ones, our clients, and our communities.

To help educate the community on the options of donation to science, Science Care partners with many kinds of organizations:

  • Hospitals
  • Hospice and palliative care
  • Skilled nursing care facilities
  • Funeral homes
  • Medical examiners
  • Social service organizations
  • Home health care services
  • Continuing care, retirement, and assisted-living communities
  • Convalescent homes, rest homes, and nursing homes
  • And many others

Our goal is to link your patients with medical researchers and educators, who work to develop new disease treatments and improve surgical procedures for future generations.

Medical Research Programs

FAQ for Healthcare Professionals

Get answers to questions like: What are your exclusions for donation? Can you use the funeral home we work with to transport?
See FAQs

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