Danny Spradley

September 1949
December 2024


Danny Spradley was my husband for 53 previous years. We had three wonderful sons, three beautiful daughters in-law and 7 grandchildren. Danny was a very hands on and active grandfather. His grandkids called him Grandanny. Danny coached football and baseball most years in Temple,Texas, and Belton, Texas. He was on staff to win two state championship medals. He had a full life. Never a dull moment watching kids and grandkids in all their activities. The family has lost a very important man and we will miss him forever.

Friends & Family

Dianna Spradley - wife; Jimmy, Bobby, and David - sons; Michelle, Mindy, and Stevie - daughters-in-law; Shayden, Caleb, Camden, James, Dylan, Nolan, Davis, and Riverlyn - Grandchildren; Tim Spradley - brother; Marj Haynes - sister

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