Craig Warren
In A Nutshell (2.0): Craig was the toughest nut I have ever known. Craig never complained, even as his condition worsened and in the last chapter of his time on earth (over the course of the past several years), he set a great example for anybody who really knew his complete story and was paying close attention, of how to escape the hardships and adversities of his early childhood developmental issues, which I believe may have chased him into and throughout his adult years. During his last season of grace, Craig persevered against all odds to remedy his past missteps and transgressions, including substance abuse in countless forms, and overcome the MANY physical and psychological struggles that plagued him throughout most of his life and go on to cross the finish line victoriously (unshackled). My worst days were/are considerably better than my brother’s best days ever were, especially over the last SEVERAL years and over most of his life for that matter. Craig has stated the following things to me on recent occasions: “Throughout small parts of my life I was able to cope when things were not going so bad for me, but during times of greater difficulty I coped by creating a fake reality of temporary times of happiness through drug and alcohol abuse or I just plain numbed myself into a zombified condition through more and more substance abuse (including pain management that eventually quit working), until God woke me up with as much pain and suffering as I could possibly handle.” “The more I suffer, the closer I am to Christ. It is all good. I embrace the pain.” Most seem to be choked by the cares and or pleasures of this fallen world. Towards the end, Craig was in fact choked, choked by a weekly buildup of 55 ounces or more of VICIOUS liquid in his lungs that could not be drained easily. It started out like this and progressively thickened until it could not be drained at all. The only possible solution was surgery that would have likely killed him, but never happened. Craig’s many years of trials and tribulations/EXTREME pain and suffering (multitudinous maladies, cancer(s), an unbelievable history of severe traumas throughout his life, and hardships so numerous, the complete list would make for a book) and ongoing day in and day out struggles has finally come to an end, a very good end. Craig donated his broken and battered earthly vessel to Science Care for study and research and for possible donation for the use of the few good body parts remaining. Upon completion, Craig’s cremated remains will be returned to his family for a burial at sea. Craig served in the Navy and we will honor his wishes by depositing his ashes in a Wisconsin lake he occasionally enjoyed with his family. Craig is no longer of this world. Our Faithful Brother has been called home His soul and his spirit have returned to Christ.
Friends & Family
Sisters: Deborah, Mary Lee, and Lesley; Brother: John; Nine beloved nieces and nephews and many other beloved surviving family members; Good and loyal friend Dennis; Tribute from JW