Carol Candler
Carol Ann Candler, 1945-2025; Roots of Learning, Laughter and Love; Throughout history, the planting of a tree has often been used to commemorate an event or a person. And it’s done in the hope and faith that one day it will have roots strong enough to not only support itself but can be a bringer of life. The shade it brings, the many strong branches where birds can find a safe little nesting place, and the roots that are now so vast, strong, and deep they feed the life around them. Carol Ann Candler, nee Hunt, was fortunate enough to be born into a family of strong women. She was always one of those people that you knew instantly was a good one, and she usually had a smile on her face. She always had the time to stop and talk for a minute, even if she didn’t. She brought so much life to her family, and they often drew strength from her wise words. She gave her children, and many of the other neighborhood ones as well, a good, homecooked lunch, love, and even discipline when it was warranted! She rarely did things halfway, which is one of the many reasons that once she committed to it, she often ended up in a leadership role. She nourished many people from her strong roots, and we will miss her dearly. But knowing how much good she has brought to so many, this was the perfect commemoration of her life.
Friends & Family
Carol was surrounded by her kids and grandkids during her final days: Back row: Carrie (daughter), Skylar (granddaughter), Cooper (grandson), Charlie (husband), Carol. Front row: Graisyn (granddaughter) and Kim (daughter-in-law) Not pictured: Michael (son) and Jorge (son-in-law)