Brian Mullins
Our beloved husband and father Brian David Mullins went home to be with Our Lord Jesus Christ in February 2025. He was born in 1964, in Panama City, Panama. He loved to share stories about growing up in the jungles of Panama with his two older brothers and one younger sister. He would talk for hours about riding dirt bikes through the wilds while he and his brothers explored the jungles. They had many adventures growing up, camping on Taboga Island, swimming at Gatun Lake, visiting their dad as he worked at the Miraflores locks on the canal zone, and even being chased by US Army soldiers as they rode their dirt bikes into restricted areas. He would laugh saying how they would hide under banana leaves and watch the soldiers go by. He also shared tales of local legends and some of his own stories of being stalked by a jaguar as he and his brothers snuck away from camp for a night swim and being chased in his backyard by a bushmaster snake. Our dad was hard-working but also a very silly and goofy man when he wanted to be. He would wrestle with us and act often like a big kid himself even while being 6’3 and 260lbs. He developed an interest in NASCAR as he got a video game for my brother and I. He would be creative in making things fun for us. He would do things like everyone picks a few cars they like the best, if that car won the actual race he would put a diecast of that car on top of the TV for bragging rights for one week. We watched many races even through closed eyelids at times to see if we got to brag for a week and have our favorite car in the “winner’s circle”. When his "CAT car" won he would dance around the house singing “CAT car baby baby CAT car baby baby”. In August of 2010, our dad had a horrible car wreck in which he suffered a traumatic brain injury. He was in a coma for over a month but when he woke up and was able to talk he was still the same loving, caring, silly, and sometimes goofy man we all loved. He would save straws for gifts since he could not get out of bed. He still shared stories of his life and our lives together. He talked so many times about getting better so we could all take a trip to Panama and he wanted to get back to work. Our dad was so much more than a traumatic brain injury he was a family man, protector, big kid, and loving husband. Our hope is by donating his body to science some family somewhere can avoid this fate all because our dad made a difference.
Friends & Family
His wife of 41 years Eva and two sons Gerrit and Casey. We love you dad and will take care of each other until we are all reunited.