The Consenting Process: What You Need to Know

The Consenting Process: What You Need to Know

Once an individual has registered their intent to donate their body to science with Science Care, there are a few things that are important to take care of to increase the likelihood of your ability to donate when the time comes. If you haven’t already, we highly recommend you download our free eBook for donors that has a wealth of information on Science Care, the body donation process, and much more. 

We often get questions from intended donors or loved ones about the consenting process before and after death. We’re here to answer some of the most common questions: 

Who is the consenter?

The highest class of consent is the person themselves, which is why Science Care encourages each individual to complete their self-consent authorization forms as soon as possible after registering their intent to donate. If valid self-consent was not obtained prior to passing, there are options. At the time of passing, our team will walk loved ones through the medical screening process, which will include determining who the highest consenting class is.

When will I receive self-consent forms after registering? 

Once you have filled out your registration on our website, or talked to a member of our team, you will receive a self-consent form via email. If you don’t see it in your inbox or spam folder after two business days, please reach out to our team at to request it be resent. 

Who can be a witness?

Two witnesses are required on the self-consent forms. For the first witness, any adult 18 years of age or older can sign. For the second, it must be a disinterested party (generally anyone that is not related to you by blood, not your spouse, and not your Power of Attorney.) By signing as a witness, they are simply stating you are over the age of 18, are of sound mind, and are free of duress.

I’m interested in donating my body to science, but my family doesn’t want me to. What are my options? 

Body donation to science is a very personal decision, and we completely understand your desire to see your wishes carried out. Self-authorization is the highest legal order of consent. If you have registered your intent to donate with Science Care, we will provide you with self-authorization forms to sign. Another option to consider is establishing someone as your Healthcare Power of Attorney and Executor of your Will that would be willing to follow through with your wishes. It’s important to keep in mind that even this does not guarantee donation. Science Care relies on a loved one calling us to begin the process upon your entry into hospice care or at the time of passing.  If there is a strong family dispute, we will not proceed with donation. 

How do I include donation in my Advanced Directives or Will?

We recommend including a simple statement that indicates you want your agent to be able to authorize whole body donation after death with no restrictions (also known as an anatomical gift,) and that you would allow them to authorize cremation as your final disposition. It’s important to make sure your paperwork does not state that you do NOT want to donate for medical research or education, that you would be against going to an international client, or that you do not want to go to a company with a for-profit tax status, as that would not allow Science Care to proceed with donation.

I need help talking to my family about body donation to science. Do you have any resources? 

About 40% of those who register to donate never become donors. We strongly recommend every intended donor discuss their wish to donate with their loved ones so they can ensure your wishes are carried out at the time of your death. We know talking about death is not always easy, and we’re here to help. You can send an information packet to your loved ones through our website. Our team is also available to answer any questions your loved ones might have. You can send an email to or call them directly at 800.417.3747. 

To learn more about the body donation process, check out additional information here:

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